Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Happiness is choice, not chance!

This month’s blog is inspired by the discussion topic for the next WOW! (Women of the World) meeting on  22 April. 

We are daily bombarded with misery, chaos, disaster, war, fear, tragedy, etc.  – both natural and man-made, and we often ask ourselves if it is right to “allow” ourselves to feel happy in the midst of others’ anguish.  When we are laughing and enjoying life, we may feel a twinge of  “guilt” when faced with the circumstances in which others are “living”  We may ask ourselves if we “deserve” to be happy, or we may comment that someone else “deserves” (or not) to be happy.

When did happiness have to be earned, “deserved”?  When did happiness become conditional on other people being happy too?  When did feeling happy cause harm to anyone else?  Indeed, we may extend that question to when did personally feeling happy, or personally feeling unhappy, make any difference to the lives of the victims of tragedy?

Well, on that last point I’ll say that it did and does make a difference – it makes a difference on the energetic level.  Happiness is a high vibration of energy that attracts more of the same – it feeds the energy that creates the circumstances to support happiness.  Unhappiness works in the same way at a lower level of vibration – it feeds the energy that creates the circumstances to support Unhappiness!

That is why it’s not only your choice to feel happy, it’s your responsibility to cultivate happiness in yourself! How YOU feel is reflected in the energy web that connects us all and shapes our reality!

The big question, however, is “What is Happiness?”  What does happiness mean to you, and what does happiness mean to others?   Each one of us has an individual definition of happiness, and within each one of us is the ability to experience happiness regardless of circumstances.   

So I’ll end with an extract from “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” that perfectly demonstrates the “happiness choice”...

“In the novel ‘One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich’, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn takes the reader on a guided tour through life in a forced-labour prison in Siberia.  The novel tells of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov’s day, which is filled with tales of bare survival and the almost incomprehensible atrocities visited upon the men in the frozen wasteland camp.  Shukhov’s attitude displays creative aliveness even under the worst of conditions.  The book concludes with these lines:

‘Shukhov went to sleep fully content.  He’d had many strokes of luck that day: they hadn’t put him in the cells; they hadn’t sent his squad to the settlement; he’d swiped a bowl of kasha at dinner; the squad leader had fixed the rates well; he’d built a wall and enjoyed doing it; he’d smuggled that bit of hacksaw blade through; he’d earned a favour from Tsezar that evening; he’d bought that tobacco.  And he hadn’t fallen ill.  He’d got a happy day.  There were three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days like that in his stretch.  From the first clang of the rail to the last clang of the rail.  Three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days.  The three extra days were for leap years.’”

Something to think about......